John Olinda Haha, so I *just* started a Spaces group and found out Google's canning it
Martijn Could they be "canning it" because of the recent plans to bring to desktop?
John Olinda Perhaps, but then what happens to Hangouts? I was very disappointed when Hangouts lost most XMPP compatibility, which is what might have sustained it with Allo as a "closed" alternative. But now, I guess it'll be targeted at enterprise?
Martijn I don't think anyone knows what they plan for Hangouts... I know several people who have fought the uphill battle of decoupling their Google Voice from Hangouts now that Google Voice seems to be getting support again. Google really can't be trusted with anything besides email it seems.
7y, 9w 1 reply
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John Olinda Yeah, I'm starting that process too. Don't want to lose GV if Hangouts goes by the wayside.
7y, 9w reply