Martijn I am trying to write more over at my own blog, so read my latest software struggles over here:
Nkrs Nice looking design by the way. Are you using your own software for publishing, or someone else's?
7y, 21w 3 replies
Martijn Currently it is my own concoction. Though I am using the Slim framework to take care of routing and loading the "template" files. Working to implement so I will be able to fully split work between an editor and the back-end.
7y, 21w 2 replies
Nkrs Awesome. How do you store the entries? Flat file or SQL database?
7y, 21w 1 reply
Martijn Every post has its own file on disk. And then I generate an SQLite file from them to work as a hook-up table.
7y, 21w reply
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