Martijn I have a hard time coping without Homebrew, but part of me wants to wait until it is clear how SIP will affect /usr/local and what Homebrew is going to do ... (
🦿 Lucian Marin Disable SIP, create /usr/local/, enable SIP again.
8y, 29w 3 replies
Martijn Oh yes, I know that, the folder itself isn't the problem. I just don't want to find out Homebrew will do a big infrastructure change in 2 weeks when Apple has explained their SIP policies better. But I am already caving as I want to get back in my Terminal.
8y, 29w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I will upgrade to El Capitan in 2016. I learned my leason last year with Yosemite. But Yosemite looked too good to be ignored.
8y, 29w 1 reply
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Martijn I had no lesson to learn. Never had a single problem because of updating to Yosemite. And so far, no problems with El Capitan either.
8y, 29w reply