John Olinda I'm always scared to open Evernote. It's a great tool, but it also completely cripples Old Faithful.
🦿 Lucian Marin Evernote and OneNote give me lots of anxiety. That's the reason I use Simplenote to keep anything text related, from articles to config files.
9y, 11w 3 replies
John Olinda Do you have a good method for putting articles into Simplenote? I prefer full text since content sometimes disappears, but haven't found a way that I really like yet.
9y, 11w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Select everything from Safari's Reader View then copy/paste it in Simplenote. If you don't have Safari, you can use Instapaper or Readability to strip unnecessary stuff.
9y, 11w 1 reply
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John Olinda Yeah, I've been on the lookout for something that will reliably convert to MD from the Readability render and send the results to Simplenote. I should probably just sit down and come up with an IFTTT recipe that will do it for me. But for now, bed.
9y, 11w reply