🐢 Keb this is a really great social network. love the minimalism. i might even enjoy it more than Mastodon... :thinking: now if only there were more people.
🦿 Lucian Marin There's plenty of great people here unlike some other places.
3y, 38w 5 replies
🐢 Keb very true indeed, but maybe I expected the 'Trending' feed to have more activity. question: subreply is not open sourced right?
3y, 38w 4 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Did you check the last 48 threads? Or do you prefer to read even more? There's no much code to open source. :)
3y, 38w 3 replies
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🐢 Keb I think there's a tendency to want to see new threads on the top when I wake up and click 'Trending'. And regardless if there's not much code -- would be nice to have the option to self-host an instance. :) Either way, I respect your decisions. This is great work.
3y, 38w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Guess where you can discover new threads: in Discover / Threads. :)
3y, 37w 1 reply