Nkrs In response to: zerohedge.com/news... "Machines and other improvements must serve to ease the work of all and not to enable a few to grow rich at the expense of millions and tens of millions of people." - Vladimir Lenin
🦿 Lucian Marin And these robots are pretty dumb, they are programmed to do one task. Imagine when deep learning will take off and robots will do hundred of tasks with highest precision. More from Google: googleresearch.blo...
7y, 48w 5 replies
Nkrs On one hand I think the technological advancement is outstanding, but on the other, it threatens to take bread off many tables. Foxconn fired 60k people - if each of those workers provides for a family of four, that means that a quarter of a million people just lost their income. I think that's frightening and that we'll see more and more people losing their jobs because what they were doing got automated (see also: qz.com/656104/a-fl...)
7y, 48w 4 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Lots of people lost their jobs during industrialization. World moved on to digitalization and now robotization. People should be thought to be flexible and learn new things all their lives. Also, universal basic income discussed on and can be a solution, as well as the current social benefits.
7y, 48w 1 reply
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Nkrs I agree, but finding work keeps getting harder, and there's less and less opportunity to do so. My point of view is skewed though, because of the horrible situation in my country, but I don't think it is much different elsewhere.
7y, 48w reply