Richardboegli It's been a year. Saw this on
Kodo im here from lobsters also
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Martijn I am still ambivalent about ... what makes it different from any other front-page-of-the-internet?
Kodo it's a pretty tight community. the irc channel is intelligent and it's a lot of BSD people. also it's invite only so it keeps out a lot of the riff-raff. if you invite someone and they up up being a dick they are linked to your account and you get bitched at
7y, 4w reply
Mark Dain It's meant to be Hacker News but less broken because of a smaller, less elitist community and downvotes are public. I may have to revive my account as HN has gotten less stable lately. Lots of downvoting for no good reason. Feels like the community is more rotten these days
7y, 4w reply
Jani Mustonen And I'm here from the Matrix. ;)
7y, 4w 1 reply
Kodo im here from matrix also but i found out about it from lobsters
7y, 4w reply