New Zealand
🐨 James S.
Yeah, it's looking better in some parts but the lack of an overall, cohesive strategy (not that it would be easy with 50 states, but there should definitely be more than exists currently) will mean that you'll end up with recurrent spikes, especially with the large amount of domestic travel that occurs in the US.
Chris Space
Even just a consistent message and assistance in putting in place science based frameworks in a way that makes sense locally would be a huge improvement over the misinformation, constantly changing message, shirking of responsibility and general denial of the issue you are experiencing currently. Third world country material eh....
4y, 11w
😃 Javier
Is there is such thing as national US news site that is not politically biased?
Chris Space
Try Al Jazeera. I've found them to be about as unbiased as the Guardian and they stream their news channel on Youtube.
4y, 11w
🦄 Chip Uni
All of those, honestly. I'm trying to guess when this crisis will be over in the United States.
Chris Space
Frankly, looking in from outside, it'll either be over when you get some leadership because right now there's a leadership vacuum or, when there's a vaccine/everyone has had it and either died or not.
4y, 12w
2 replies
Chris Space
Anyone worked with Meraki MDM (System Manager) to manage predominantly ChromeOS endpoints?
4y, 12w
🦄 Chip Uni
Hey, subreply folk -- what resources do you use most to keep up with coronavirus information?
Chris Space for the pure numbers. Everything else is pretty basic, copy what asians do when they're sick or it's flu season. Wear a mask, support your immune system with exercise, healthy eating and supplements that are appropriate for you.
4y, 12w