Josh Sharp Something and I have been working on: an email to RSS service. Sign up, get an email address, send any email newsletters you'd prefer not to read in your inbox to your new address - and read the results in your reader of choice. It's mostly scratching Belle's itch, but if more people are interested we might develop it further. I love the irony of taking syndication full circle and converting all the emails that came from a desire to move away from RSS... back into RSS.
🦿 Lucian Marin It seems that someone already thought about that: -- even so, RSS would be much cooler than an app.
9y, 27w 1 reply
Josh Sharp Kind of. You're still reading that stuff in your email inbox though. It's more about forgetting that it's email and treating it as a feed to be read. Inbox does the feed thing but probably not so much the reader thing.
9y, 27w reply
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