🗿 Jonah FaceTime cross-platform is interesting. Web-based iMessage perhaps?
🦿 Lucian Marin I don't think it's possible. FaceTime doesn't require push notifications.
2y, 46w 3 replies
🗿 Jonah good point. I know it's never gonna happen but a google-hangouts style web client would be nice- at that point they might as well just make it all around compatible which is also never gonna happen
2y, 46w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I wish Google merged Gmail and Calendar in one app (eg. Inbox) and Chat and Meet in another one (eg. Hangouts). Inbox and Hangouts were so simple to use.
2y, 45w 1 reply
🗿 Jonah I didn't even know Inbox was a thing. big FOMO now :/
2y, 45w reply
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