🤔 John I know this is a weird place to ask, but if you were going to invest a modest amount of money outside of the US/Europe, where would you do so?
😀 Tom What kind of risk and timeline are you thinking about?
6y, 51w 4 replies
🤔 John High risk, ideally equities or ETFs, infinite timeline. My retirement is in USD and income is EUR, and with the state of the world I'd like to diversify beyond those. I hold a balanced retirement portfolio and this is my speculative couple %.
6y, 51w 3 replies
😀 Tom Very high risk: Cryptocurrencies. I'm personally invested in Monero. Cryptocurrencies are also good for transferring money between countries. If you're in it for the long haul and don't panic sell (as it's very volitile), you could see some incredible gains if you've chosen the right coin. Research the different coins. Most are shit, some have promise like Litecoin and Monero. Some just aren't what they advertise: Ethereum, Dash, Zcoin.
6y, 51w 2 replies
🤔 John I definitely have a small position in this space. I *should* have been in BTC since 2011 but really missed the boat. I have a bit of a diversification strategy but it needs work.
6y, 51w reply
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