Martijn Writing New Year's resolution/goals down in an OPML file. It feels like the right document format. Then I'll just need to find a good way to display it online.
John Olinda has a decent publishing feature. Just import the OPML and then go to the menu and select "View in Reader." Very basic, but it gets the job done.
9y, 19w 4 replies
Martijn True, but I will be self-hosting. I am looking into XSLT, though I have to admit I never used it before.
9y, 19w 3 replies
John Olinda You can technically self-host Fargo, but I've never felt brave enough to try it. I suppose you could use a MultiMarkdown script to convert it to HTML? Or Marked 2. But then it's no longer "live" OPML .
9y, 19w 2 replies
Martijn Exactly, I would love to have it "live". This is why I was looking at XSLT which would allow me to just send the actual OPML file to the browser rather than some pre-parsed HTML alternative.
9y, 19w 1 reply
John Olinda Yeah, I ended up just settling for Fargo's renderer because I didn't have time to roll my own solution. It'd be cool to develop a PHP solution that could just be plugged into a web server. Just hook up your server to BTSync and edit away, and the site live-updates. Or maybe a git-based solution?
9y, 19w reply
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