Martijn Systembolaget (Sweden's state-owned liquor store) is running ads online (YouTube, Twitch) where they say they do not want to sell more alcohol. I know a good way to not increase sales: do not advertise.
Eric Sweden has Gov run liquor stores? Why?
Martijn Systembolaget is a monopoly managed by the state, officially it 'exists for one reason: To minimize alcohol-related problems by selling alcohol in a responsible way, without profit motive.' (
Eric A proposal like that would cause uproar in England. (Just bought a huge amount at discount for my birthday)
Martijn I honestly drink too little to be bothered by Sweden's high alcohol prices. But still here enough of Swedes complain about the system. If you would want to introduce it in Sweden today: no way. But I guess they got it implemented in the right time. Having grown-up in a country with the legal drinking age at 16 (the Netherlands), this whole state-monopoly-not-selling-to-people-below-21 still feels weird.
Eric It sounds awful, at 16 (legal drinking age here is 18) we relied on non-lawful vendors to get our fill. I wouldn't trust the G with alcohol sales.
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