Eric Im having regular trouble with pasting text into on my iPhone 5. The text is copied and pastable into the URL bar of Safari but the option doesn't appear for the text area on here. Anyone else having this issue?
🦿 Lucian Marin Can you take screenshots before and after paste? Maybe I'm missing something or you have to clear your Safari cache.
Eric --> 1. Copy URL using Safari's button --> 2. Paste option available for URL box --> 3. No Paste option for Sublevel's textarea
🦿 Lucian Marin If you press Copy from Share options, it copies the URL in a format that isn't supported by HTML's textarea element. You have to copy the URL from Safari address bar.
9y, 6w 1 reply
Eric How could they let such an obvious bug slip through? What a let down.
9y, 6w reply
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