Eric Basic syntax highlighting has been forced (in an ugly and graphic manner, really don't look at the source) upon QuackQuack. The little ducks now have tails and function definition & call ducks are coloured differently. If you can understand the methods & syntax of the 'language' and reckon there should be certain colours for certain things let me know.
Mark Dain It would be great if you did a write up of this whole thing; how you designed it, challenges writing the parser, writing programs for it, etc...
9y, 21w 1 reply
Eric I will when I get the time to properly think, at the moment I am applying to uni, closing a department and training a new dep as well as establishing my own! The parser is absolute dog shit, and the highlighter too. My main goal was to get the Lang somewhat working, now I just need to tidy it up. There are so many bugs!
9y, 21w reply
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