Eric New Site! (hooray), Any tips on improving the rough cut design, writing posts & anything else much appreciated!
Kristineaz Is this your blog? I'm an Editor so the very first thing I always spot are typos & spelling errors. And you have, "As noted in the Wikipedia exert," and I'm guessing you mean "excerpt". So, I'd change that, if that more accurately reflects your intent. :)
9y, 30w 3 replies
Eric Yeah the quality of whats on there is really awful right now. I needed something to flesh out the site while I grabble the task of making it mine. I will improve with time :)
9y, 30w 2 replies
Kristineaz I like the clean design of it. It's straight forward and not all cluttered with inconsequential things. Looks good! :)
9y, 30w 1 reply
Eric Thanks :) I've tried to keep media queries to a minimum. Only some things are missing from the mobile version. Any tips welcome!
9y, 30w reply
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