Mark Dain Installed Pokemon Go on my phone today as its out in the UK but the servers are just horrible. So far I've not been able to catch any Pokemon due to server problems :( I'm hoping Niantic can scale this quickly!
Eric It's fun but it's left me wondering what all the hype was for. It's good but not THAT good. /out of touch grumpy old man rant
7y, 42w 4 replies
Mark Dain It seems like the killer application for AR (Augmented Reality) because you can see and catch the Pokemon. That's exciting and innovative for a lot of people.
7y, 42w 3 replies
Eric Killer? The Pokemon float inside walls and seem very fake and floaty. This is fun, not killer..
7y, 42w 1 reply
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Mark Dain It's early technology, of course it's going to be buggy. I mean killer by how many people are playing it. Almost every time I see someone on their phones now, they're playing Pokemon Go, not scrolling through their Twitter feed. A killer app is something that gets rapid adoption like that. By all means call it not fun if you don't like it but it is crazy popular right now. This is, for many people, their first time trying AR and they're having loads of fun.
7y, 42w reply