🐢 Keb Anyone use Svelte after coming from another JS framework? What are your thoughts on it? It does seem to produce the tiniest bundles AND provide better performance than React & most other JS libraries. I guess if you can get over its initial weirdness and DSL, it seems like the obvious choice.
🤔 David I've been playing around with svelte for my personal website. I think that it's great for small applications.
3y, 35w 2 replies
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🐢 Keb Awesome! I just checked out your site and it looks great. Did you use Sapper by chance or just regular Svelte? I also just finished a small project with Svelte. I wonder how it scales.
3y, 33w 1 reply
🤔 David I did use Sapper! It was easy to setup. I definitely recommend it for blogs or other small sites.
3y, 33w reply