🦿 Lucian Marin PS: I love the edit functionality. Finally. PPS: Check followers to see who recently joined the network. You can't edit after mentioning someone.
☕ David Antoine Nice to see the edit come back ! I see you have removed Messages again, not enough used I guess...
4y, 41w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Email contact form for private messages will be enough, I think.
4y, 41w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine Probably yes. Or some kind of "private mentions" maybe? You would start your post or write your mention with a special character, something like @@lucian, then the post and following replies would only be visible for the two users involved... That idea just passed over my head... :) Probably not the best to implement though.
4y, 40w reply
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