Pirate, trollslayer, gopher, bofher, speaker, engineering manager
No, no es 'shiny'.
Dario Castañé
Creo que hiciste el primer post en castellano en todo @sublevel XD
10y, 9w
Oh, one last thing: It would be awesome if this were open source. I could see a lot of people using it for small social networks, particularly internal ones for companies or organizations.
Dario Castañé
+1 cc @lucian
10y, 9w
I swear 99% of the allure of a new networking site is adopting early enough to get my first name.
Dario Castañé
Agreed. We are the people who think we don't need nicknames ;)
10y, 9w
Dario Castañé
Ok @sublevel, I found it. We can use "reply" link. Anyway, I was looking for it at the timestamp #lol
10y, 9w
Dario Castañé
@sublevel, doesn't exist any way to link a post? That would be great. Also, can we embed videos, images or code snippets?
10y, 9w
Dario Castañé
Oh, shiny.
10y, 9w
2 replies