9y, 51w W @w
πŸ’ Lucian Marin This was fixed. Replaced months with weeks. Thanks for all the suggestions.
W No problem! Keep up the good work.
9y, 51w reply
W One more small thing: How do I tell the difference between one minute (1m) and one month (1m) without mousing over it?
πŸ’ Lucian Marin This was fixed. Replaced months with weeks. Thanks for all the suggestions.
9y, 51w 1 reply
W One more thing: It would be great if the username linked to the profile in addition to the profile image.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W , I didn't realize that you made Monochrome. I love Monochrome, it's made web dev so much easier. Anyway, keep up the good work. This looks nice so far.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W Oh, one last thing: It would be awesome if this were open source. I could see a lot of people using it for small social networks, particularly internal ones for companies or organizations.
9y, 51w 1 reply ¬
W That's all for now, I might come back later. , great work so far. I have some small bits of feedback, but trust me that they're very minor issues. Sublevel is great overall :)
9y, 51w reply ¬
W Nesting for replies is very nice :). Great feature.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W Speaking of JS, you can always add it and then keep everything working as a non-JS fallback. Of course, that's just my opinion. I don't know what your exact motivations are, so they may be different.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W Speaking of which, could this post box be bigger? That would be great. It would allow for a lot more long-form content. If JS were used, it could auto-resize. Might want to think about that.
9y, 51w 1 reply ¬
πŸ’ Lucian Marin The entire layout including the post box expands on screens larger than 1280 pixels. Played around with JS and multiple lines, but the input method was so clunky.
9y, 51w reply
W It would be great if the hover for the time since the post was made was in a human readable format. "July 31, 2014 at 2:35 AM" is a lot more useful than a timestamp in UTC.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W Speaking of the activity page, a small typo is there: "Anything you do on Sublevel will really counts." The "will" shouldn't be there.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W The summary page on "Activity" is great. All social networks should have that.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W The follow button should be bigger, or at least a clearer color. It took me a very long time to find it.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W Speaking of which, an edit button would be great.
9y, 51w reply ¬
W (Addendum to the previous post: Of course, if JS were being used, you could auto-expand the complete post when the truncated version is clicked. Not sure if you'll implement that in the future.)
9y, 51w reply ¬
W For long posts, it would be great if the ellipses linked to the full post, rather than needing to press "Reply". It would be much more intuitive that way.
πŸ’ Lucian Marin Then there will be multiple points of accessing the post, which is bad design.
9y, 51w 1 reply