🙄 Doug Belshaw So this presentation I put together for tomorrow looks pretty good on desktop browsers but seems to crash mobile browsers: dajbelshaw.makes.o...
Eric I'll be frank, I've never had the patience to click through presentations online. The links get my click but I'll just bounce away. Why not put the presentation in standard format? I'll read a ReadMe but won't watch click thru a presentation. I can't be alone in this. Sorry for the negative feedback :)
9y, 29w 5 replies
🙄 Doug Belshaw No problem! Won't be for everyone and this was just the slides - not the whole presentation. That requires me in front of you, talking fast and gesticulating. ;-)
9y, 29w 4 replies
Eric "gesticulate". Cheers for teaching me a new word.
9y, 29w 3 replies
🙄 Doug Belshaw Antidisestablishmentarianism. There's another one for you. ;-)
9y, 29w 2 replies
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Eric Oh come on, that's a cop-out. Everyone learns that one at primary school, just because it's the longest word there is. Why not write up what you would say in a presentation as a page? Or, just paste the notes in too. Videos, Audio, Presentations - Unless I'm at home on my desktop these things are a drag. I speak only for myself of course.
9y, 29w 1 reply
🙄 Doug Belshaw I'll bear that in mind.
9y, 29w reply