Mark Dain Thinking about making a small toy database to go with my small toy programming language.
Eric What's the language?
8y, 41w 3 replies
Mark Dain It's not online anywhere (I should probably make a page for it). It was a Turing complete assembly like language that came out of my interest in Brainfuck. I had some simple programs working, mostly loops, but I eventually got tired of working on it (it's very buggy!). There was about 20-ish? Instructions and it had a "compiled" byte code that ran on a VM (kinda like JVM).
8y, 41w 2 replies
Eric Nice man, what's the name of it?
8y, 41w 1 reply
Mark Dain Helix. I'll make a page for it eventually.
8y, 41w reply
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