Eric Going to try to put together a console client for Sublevel, because why not? Something like is for Twitter. In other news; rowing machines are my new favourite thing.
Mark Dain CLI Client for Sublevel would be great! Although based on recent posts are you going to write this in Node?
8y, 51w 8 replies
Eric Probably, I know that might upset people haha. I enjoy working with JS so for a hobby project I'm set to use it.
8y, 51w 7 replies
Mark Dain Personally I'd prefer it be written in Go, Rust or some language I can compile easily and run without too much hassle. Languages like Node, Python and Ruby seem to never run for me. It's a source of frustration when I see a cool program written in Python as I know I'll never be able to use it. Thankfully tides are turning and most of the cool stuff posted today is written in Go.
8y, 50w 6 replies
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Eric Never run? Are you installing the required programs to use them?
8y, 50w 5 replies
Mark Dain Of course.
8y, 50w 4 replies