Eric Still lying awake at 4:27am, yeah, better cancel that gym induction day in the morning.
Mark Dain That reminds me I should cancel my gym membership. I got it like 6 months ago and I still haven't used it :( it feels too much like defeat to cancel though
Eric Is the place out of your way? Mines right by my work so no excuses here.
9y, 2d 1 reply
Mark Dain It's a little far away (20 minute bike ride or so), but it's more about the fact I get home about 7 and the last thing I want to do is go straight to the gym and work out. Besides they close around 8 so it leaves me with little time to eat and then go there. I can't justify the cost for the weekend either. I'd rather buy some equipment and work out at home
9y, 2d reply
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