🦿 Lucian Marin "Be excellent to each other." git.kernel.org/cgi...
Martijn Love how they added this, but it has only existed for 11 days? Did something spark the inclusion of this file? I can't help but feel a little sad when a project that has been running on community power as long as the Linux kernel joins the long list of places that has had to explicitly state some sort of code of conduct. On the internet of old a lot of these things didn't seem as needed...
🦿 Lucian Marin There's an entire discussion thread on HN news.ycombinator.c..., but I'm not sure it will answer your questions. Maybe ask Linus... :)
9y, 7w 1 reply
Mark Dain Linus wanted somebody "retroactively aborted". I'd avoid talking to him in case you annoy him.
9y, 7w reply
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