Eric Two new flags for the collection arrived today, both American. The Grand Union & The Betsy Ross. Fantastic, looking forward to flying these.
Mark Dain Any reason for getting Betsy Ross rather than Old Glory? Just historical reasons? It probably goes well with Grand Union.
9y, 16w 6 replies
Eric I already have Old Glory neatly folded away, I wanted its partners in history. I think I'm at around 20 flags now.. yikes. The flag which has been flying since Winter's coming has been The Christian Flag ( it doesn't look all that aesthetically pleasing in the digital images but I find it particularly pleasing on the eye when flown against a clear winter's day sky. It is a favourite of mine, I hope these become favourites too - though the stripes are pretty garish. Perhaps these will be more suited to Summer.
9y, 16w 5 replies
Mark Dain Are you collecting flags? I have Old Glory folded away as well, I got it as part of a birthday present from a friend of mine who lives in the US. I used to have a Union Jack somewhere but it's gone missing. I'm somewhat a fan of vexillology but I never really got into it.
9y, 16w 4 replies
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Eric I've collected them for years now, always enjoyed the history and aesthetics. Unless there's some emotional tie it's hard to enjoy them quite so much. My fondness for American flags started from Letters from an American Farmer.
9y, 16w 3 replies
Mark Dain I've never heard of that book, what's it about? I tend to not read a lot these days but I compiled a list of books (all famous titles like 1984) that I've promised myself I'll read a some point this year. I think my fondness started simply because I have a stronger attachment to the UK and USA than any other countries. A good test is to look at European flags, I recognize (and prefer) Germany to say, Holland, even though most European flags are just 2-3 colors and so are arguably extremely similar.
9y, 16w 2 replies