Eric Two new snippets of spooky spooky buzzers and beeps on the shortwave. Slowly slowly more recordings come. One is particularly festive sounding (use your imagination).
Mark Dain What sort of equipment do you use? I'd love to get a little radio I can plug in by USB. Would make for an interesting way to send data between two (or more) computers.
9y, 20w 7 replies
Eric Handheld BaoFung (may have spelt that wrong) duel band transceiver. I really should buy a larger arial for it and a USB cable. You'll have to note that UK law requires a license to broadcast, I doubt this is enforced with any effort but it's worth noting before you publish how you got computers to talk over the wireless ;)
9y, 20w 6 replies
Mark Dain Are there any bands that don't need a license?
9y, 20w 5 replies
Eric As a guess I'd say those used by off the shelf walkietalkies. You'll lose the cool factor though. My transceiver is a cheap one and totalled roughly PS35, so perhaps to save cost and effort walkietalkies are the way to go.
9y, 20w 4 replies
Mark Dain Perhaps, but I'd need them to be able to plugin to my computer. Honestly, an SDR (Software Defined Radio) would be cool for little experiments like this.
9y, 20w 3 replies
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Eric Then be prepared to open your wallet :)
9y, 20w 2 replies
Mark Dain Urgh, fun was so cheap when I was little. How did it get so expensive all of a sudden? Do you know how much it costs to put together a decent gaming rig?!
9y, 20w 1 reply