Dongsung Kim How do you manage sleep? I mean, to me it's so hard to do say, let's sleep X hours and get up, and it ends up X+X hours. Being unemployed (and waiting for the next semester) do a great job keeping me distracted. :$ Well, I've lost my passion that's for sure...
Mark Dain For me I average around 6 hours of sleep, often less as I just can't get the time. I'd like at least 8. On days where I don't have work, I usually do around 12 hours, sometimes more since I don't set an alarm clock, I just wake up when I feel rested.
9y, 19w 2 replies
Dongsung Kim Yeah, I usually have done in this way. These days - since I just don't have to go to work, every day 12 hours. It's still great to do this, but at the end of the day it makes me wanna hate myself in a way.
9y, 18w 1 reply
Mark Dain Yeah, I always feel regret when I burn too many days by sleeping in. Feels wasteful and very unproductive.
9y, 18w reply
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