Eric University applications sent off! Now to begin the long anxious wait. In other news: QuackQuack has had an overhaul & some proper documentation at last;
Mark Dain Was QuackQuack inspired by brainfuck? It seems really similar although QuackQuack has "ponds" which is cool. Hope Univeristy goes well, where did you apply to?
9y, 23w 5 replies
Eric It was inspired by that yeah, and the others too. I really just wanted to make something silly but also challenging. It's not a language suitable to teach kids to code, but it has the cutesy appeal when highlighted :) Brighton, Plymouth and S Hampton
9y, 23w 4 replies
Mark Dain Brighton as in University of Brighton? Have you applied to the University of Sussex? It's right next to Brighton's campus. It was amazing when I went to the open day. They were actually the only university to give me an offer.
9y, 23w 3 replies
Eric Too late now to apply elsewhere really.. Don't make me double think please :)) and yeah UoB not the other one, being out of school for so long I've lost touch with what's good and bad :S
9y, 23w 2 replies
Mark Dain I never visited Brighton's campus so I don't know much about it. I think it's great you're going. I wasn't able to get in due to bad grades so I continue learning on Khan Academy and Coursera. How have you lost touch?
9y, 23w 1 reply
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Eric I've been working 3 years since sixth form do I've lost touch with education almost completely. I'm a clever guy I won't deny that but the whole education game has long since past for me, now I hope to catch back up and get something more to my good name!
9y, 23w reply