Mark Dain Why would anyone enable Electrolysis? Every time I try it it breaks everything. It seems completely pointless to be honest, Firefox very rarely crashes.
Eric I've had to give up using Firefox on a few of my past & current machines. The browser is just such a huge beast to run, after 40mins runtime it will kill my mac.
9y, 33w 3 replies
Mark Dain Isn't Electrolysis going to make that worse?
9y, 33w 2 replies
Eric Rather shamefully I don't have any idea what that is. I was just commenting on FF as whole.
9y, 33w 1 reply
Mark Dain No shame in that. It's a project to bring process per tab model to Firefox. The same exists in Chrome. Supposedly the idea is it makes the browser more secure and have better performance. Afaik, all it does is eat RAM and introduce bugs.
9y, 33w reply
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