Eric Is the skill of confidently reading sheet music dependant on learning or being able to play?
Mark Dain It's probably both. You need to learn how to read the notes, the same way a child needs to learn how to read English but if you don't know English, learning the characters won't help a lot.
9y, 33w 2 replies
Eric That is a shame, musical notation always looks so beautiful but from experience I know I am hopeless with instruments.
9y, 33w 1 reply
Mark Dain 10,000 hours is often quoted as a threshold but I am also hopeless with instruments. My parents paid for Guitar lessons when I was younger and I didn't make any progress. I am also *terrible* at Guitar Hero! However, I used to be as bad at design (you don't want to see some of my ~2008-ish designs. They were shocking) but I've gotten better in recent years. Keep up, you might get better!
9y, 33w reply
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