Eric "Tracking the Lincolnshire Poacher" - BBC Radio 4 Documentary
Mark Dain I remember listening to that! Number stations are a fascinating use of crypto.
9y, 34w 3 replies
Eric Sadly not many broadcast any more, I suppose they've only been stood-down & not entirely decommissioned. I've tuned into a fair few jamming signals on my little short-wave, never heard a NS live though.
9y, 34w 2 replies
Mark Dain I imagine a lot of number stations now use the internet. There's a number station on Reddit: (sort-of).
9y, 34w 1 reply
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Eric I think I toyed with the idea of hacking together something similar. Though what use is a bare-bones broadcast when it requires the receiver to have an internet connection, modern browser & untraceable connection, ect ect -- Its a great toy but completely useless in real espionage I'd reckon.
9y, 34w reply