Mark Dain Interesting, the user logicalgate (didn't want to at-mention) looks like a company using Sublevel for marketing purposes? Are we growing?
🦿 Lucian Marin Just spam, email address isn't official. They are trying to gain on the fact Sublevel doesn't use rel="nofollow" on links.
Mark Dain Would it be possible to add that or does it break anything (maybe IndieAuth, or is that rel="me"?) /cc
🦿 Lucian Marin If all the sites will add rel="nofollow" then Google won't work. I could add it to links published by accounts that didn't make any donations.
7y, 5w 1 reply
Mark Dain Fair point. What about on the profile URL? They didn't make any posts, and these spam accounts rarely do
7y, 5w reply
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