Mark Dain I bought a new belt that was L rather than XL. For the longest time I was using the last hole and that was quite tight on me. Lately I've moved to the second to last hole and the last few days I've noticed that's getting loose as well. I'm not far from using the third to last hole now! Also, I can just about fit into a Large buttoned shirt (I'd usually buy XL). If I plot my weight it hasn't really changed over the last year but I've definitely lost some fat. I was trying to physically weigh less for horseback riding. Hopefully I can lose a bit more before I go.
😀 Tom Check out slide belts. They have a ratcheting system instead of holes that warp and look unsightly.
7y, 32w 3 replies
Mark Dain Those look nice, I'll keep it in mind when I need a new belt. Right now having defined holes is really handy for visually seeing progress on my weight loss. Just today I noticed I can now use the 4th to last hole on the wristband of my Apple Watch compared to the 2nd to last when I bought it just a few months ago. I prefer these sorts of methods to recording and plotting my weight in the Health app
7y, 32w 2 replies
😀 Tom That's a really good point. I'm glad you're making progress!
7y, 32w 1 reply
Mark Dain Thanks! I've lost enough weight to do horseback riding now! I'll continue though as I have some momentum going and I figure it's probably good to have a buffer incase I put on a little in Dallas :)
7y, 32w reply
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