Martijn I tried to use a face palm emoji () in a Facebook comment, and it was stripped. I wonder what Sublevel will do.
Mark Dain Seems to preserve it but I just see () in Mobile Safari. I'm guessing Unicode 9 emoji will land in iOS 10 / macOS Sierra. Not sure about Windows & Android; I presume they'll get an update later this year to add support.
7y, 40w 8 replies
Martijn Yeah. It seems to be preserved. According to Emojipedia the Android design is already there, maybe it just hasn't landed in any actual release yet. There shouldn't be any reason for any website to proactively strip unicode code points IMHO. I want my texts to be future ready and silently get updated with obscure emoji! Hahaha!
7y, 40w 2 replies
Mark Dain It seems Twitter (they have their own custom emoji) supports some of Unicode 9; Listed: cowboy hat, selfie, call me (twice?), eagle, tumbler/whiskey glass, bacon. Just waiting for iOS 10/macOS Sierra now. Also, Slack (uses Emoji One I think) still hasn't added these else I'd be annoying my co-workers daily with them!
7y, 40w 1 reply
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Martijn Both Twitter and Emoji One should have Face Palm though:
7y, 40w reply