Adam Douglas Sublevel would make a great contender for 10K apart if the images were lazyloaded.
Eric Lazyloading requires JS or some naughty CSS "hacks", these go against the ideals of it (right?). Personally, Lazyloading is often buggy for me, images failing to load on-time yadadada
7y, 31w 3 replies
Adam Douglas Erm, not really. JavaScript is allowed; the requirement is that the site be usable without JS. What browser do you tend to use? I'm not going to recommend a browser here, I'm just curious because I too have noticed bugs with lazyloaders, usually rooted in buggy getBoundingClientRect() behaviour. Anyway, here's an example of lazyloading in the 10K Apart submissions: 2g-news1-10kapart2... --most of the submissions will use JavaScript to load their assets to be honest, because you're allowed to load as much as you want asynchronously. The objective is to avoid blocking render.
7y, 31w 2 replies
Eric Only browser I really use is Chrome, on Mac, PC & iPhone. Usually cocks up on pages like the BBC's latest heavy going parallax scrolling articles.
7y, 31w 1 reply
Adam Douglas The BBC homepage usually fails on the first visit for me (Chrome as well). They use require.js but it never loads properly, I have to refresh it. I think it may have something to do with user agent sniffing they might do, because I use a Chromebook and the user agent is rarely considered. When I visit the Monzo site, they also try to figure out my device and fail. I hope the Beeb's devs know better than to condition script loading on user agent though. * * * In the case of Sublevel, lazyloading could be opt-in. Check a box in your profile and a few lines of JS take over the loading of images.
7y, 31w reply
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