Adam Douglas Finally getting my Mondo card. Let's see what the fuss is about.
7y, 50w 5 replies
7y, 50w 4 replies
Mark Dain Oh that looks neat! I've dreamed of something similar for a while (especially having an API)
7y, 50w 3 replies
Adam Douglas It is pretty cool, I just hope or actually gets its banking license. Without that it's just a pretty UI to the same old same old
7y, 49w 2 replies
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Mark Dain This is a few days late: but it reminded me of this conversation. How has Mondo been for you so far?
7y, 36w 1 reply
Adam Douglas Hey ho, this is a month late ;D Mondo (now named Monzo for legal reasons) has been a joy to use. It's a great app. However, in the real world, I bank with Barclays, and their app already was-and still is-the cream of the crop in terms of usability and functionality. The Barclays app, on both iOS and Android, offers slick interactions and most of the killer features that Monzo touts as its USPs. I support Monzo for trying to disrupt banking, but I would not be prepared to drop the current account I've had since I was 16 when I haven't had to go in-branch in about 10 months. When Monzo has p2p loans & bitcoin, it'll be a game changer.
7y, 30w reply