Zeke Hernandez Everyone's talking about Nougat, and I'm still rolling with Lollipop...
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🦿 Lucian Marin I type this on an iPhone 4S while everyone is talking about iPhone 7. Old tech is good enough these days.
7y, 36w 4 replies
Martijn The 4S is still getting iOS updates though, right? The bigger Android issue here is that you can be stuck on Lollipop (like ) with no updates to Marshmallow and 0 expectancy of ever seeing Nougat. This includes all security updates, because backports of those never seem to happen in the Android sphere.
7y, 35w 2 replies
Bjd2385 I got my first smartphone about a month and a half ago (Droid Turbo). When I got it they told me this was the `older version`. I'm like, how `old` is old? And she says 6 months. Honestly made me laugh a little bit.
7y, 34w reply