Movie lover wanna-be, Toronto Raptors fan, working on WordPress, messing up with PHP and Javascript.
Saramon apt-get for Windows. Only that it sounds better: choco like in Chocolately.
10y, 2d reply ¬
Saramon Somebody app. Another artsy project from Miranda July. Too bad there's not an Android version too.
10y, 6d reply ¬
Saramon Playing with jekyll, git and openshift. There goes my weekend.
10y, 1w reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm not sure if that's an issue or a feature. If you force opening links in a new tab, you're stuck you that behavior. No browser has an option to open links in the same tab. But every browser has an option to open links in a new tab.
Saramon You might be right. I'm used to open links in a new tab, but once in a while, when I don't use a mouse, I forget to press Ctrl and there I go, off that page I was reading.
10y, 1w reply
Saramon just noticed that the links are opened in the same tab. you might want to change that cc
🏒 Lucian Marin I'm not sure if that's an issue or a feature. If you force opening links in a new tab, you're stuck you that behavior. No browser has an option to open links in the same tab. But every browser has an option to open links in a new tab.
10y, 2w 2 replies
Saramon Time to learn Git.
10y, 3w reply ¬
Alin Rautoiu If you really want to get incepted try Haskell (or any other FP language).
Saramon For now, let's take it easy.
10y, 3w 1 reply
Jamie Wilson Do you code stuff? You might like this Sublime Text and Atom theme I made:
Saramon I'm old-fashioned. Still using Notepad++. But with a monokai theme and consolas font looks kind of like sublime.
10y, 4w reply
Saramon Recursive method calls or Java-nception.
Alin Rautoiu If you really want to get incepted try Haskell (or any other FP language).
10y, 4w 2 replies
Saramon Here's the most expensive typeface in the world. you can use it for only $4,996.
10y, 4w reply ¬
Saramon Well... that's how a magazine website should look like in 2014.
10y, 4w 1 reply ¬
🏒 Lucian Marin Seems that isn't just a magazine. They feature events near San Francisco.
10y, 4w reply
Saramon The best and only good thing in Deliver Us from Evil is this song ( Yeap, People Are Strange when you see they let films like this to happen.
10y, 5w reply ¬
Saramon Microsoft will stop supporting older versions of IE. But why should they wait until January 2016?
10y, 5w reply ¬
Atsmath I am in love.
Saramon ...and this would be a good thing? :))
10y, 5w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin Thanks. I already read it and it looks quite good.
Saramon cool. I was looking for some "follow me on sublevel" buttons but there are none of those.
10y, 5w 1 reply
Saramon writing about . [in progress...]
🏒 Lucian Marin Thanks. I already read it and it looks quite good.
10y, 5w 2 replies