💻 Anatasof this is crazy... but... I have this feeling that I wanna make my MBP only running windows 10. Suggestion?
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Mark Dain Any reason why?
9y, 8w 1 reply
💻 Anatasof to be hones, just because my HDD only 128GB man :))))))
9y, 8w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin You have to make a bootable OS X Install USB drive, install Windows 10 using Bootcamp, boot into OS X Install USB drive, delete the OS X partition, expand Windows 10 partition to full size of your hard drive.
9y, 8w 1 reply
Mark Dain Does that nuke the recovery partition (should you ever want to go back to OS X?). I think there's always Internet Recovery though...
9y, 8w reply