Martijn Why does Facebook come out and tells me when a friend has commented on something that has 34000+ comments, without giving me a way to see the comment my friend made?
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😀 Tom Inside Facebook, the link always took me to my friend's comment in the middle of all the other comments. Maybe we're in different A/B tests and it's broken in yours.
9y, 7w reply
Eric I always put that fault down to lazy design. Though recently they've included the friend-comment under the piece when you view it in your feed, so in vertical order.. [x commented on..]>[item]>[x's comment]>[link to all comments]. Good luck finding it via a notification link though.
9y, 7w reply
Asko An answer to that is the same as you'd get when you'd ask a mountain climber why he climbs mountains; Because we can.
9y, 7w reply