Mark Dain Resisting the urge to jump on IRC at work... I get so bored here sometimes :/
Asko IRC is turning into a tiny little family, which is really cool if you ask me.
9y, 22w 5 replies
John Olinda Agreed! It's been a lot of fun to have another layer of interaction. I've noticed I use a lot more frequently as well since I've started hanging out in IRC. It'd be cool to get Shout set up so that those without an IRC client set up already can hop on quickly to see what it's all about. But now that Heroku's plans have changed I have yet to move my Shout install over to my VPS :(
9y, 22w 4 replies
Mark Dain You can always use if you don't have a client
9y, 22w 3 replies
John Olinda But Shout is shiny...
9y, 22w 2 replies
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Mark Dain Shout looks really nice actually, might install it
9y, 22w 1 reply
John Olinda Well, if you do, be warned that the CSS files don't seem to be loading properly when you do an npm install. I've been trying to figure it out on my VPS and beating my head against the wall. It's probably time to try it on a clean VM and see if the problem is with another package on my server.
9y, 22w reply