Mark Dain Ok leaving it in the fridge overnight was the trick! No more powdery flavour! The taste has gotten a bit bland though but that may be due to the fact I put less powder in. I know it's leaving it overnight as when I shook up this shaker yesterday, I poured a bit into a glass and it still tasted like powder. The next day it tastes like a smoothie.
Eric Are these things completely vegetarian?
9y, 13w 7 replies
Mark Dain Vegetarian yes, vegan no
9y, 13w 2 replies
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Eric Will you miss eating meat?
9y, 13w 1 reply
Mark Dain Oh yes, I imagine I'll probably continue eating meat. I don't want to replace all my meals with Joylent, just most of them.
9y, 13w reply