Mark Dain Maybe I didn't put enough water in or didn't leave it long enough but it tastes a bit like powder.
Eric But was it drinkable?
9y, 27w 3 replies
Mark Dain I ended up drinking the whole thing. I'm going to make a new batch for tomorrow with different flavors (Banana and Strawberry) which I'll try for breakfast and dinner. Perhaps leaving it in the fridge overnight makes a difference. Should the problem stay I'll try and add more water / less powder. Also might buy a blender.
9y, 27w 2 replies
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Martijn I read the powdery/gritty feel never really goes away. Even with the real and tweaked Soylent. Mostly because not all the components are soluble and that can't be fixed. Are you taking out conventional food completely this run?
9y, 27w 1 reply
Mark Dain I ate almost all my conventional food before my Joylent arrived. It's a shame the powder taste won't go away :( I prepared two shakers for tomorrow, both with less powder and it seems to not have any buildup at the bottom. I'll obviously eat conventional food with friends/family and occasionally if I get a craving for say, a burger
9y, 27w reply