Martijn Another niche social network:
Eric Next to no information, no screenshots or examples.. Pretty worthless page unless I'm missing something.
9y, 15w 4 replies
Martijn You're not missing anything, I just read an article about it and have no access myself. But the idea is interesting: being allowed to share a single link every day. Article I read:
9y, 15w 3 replies
Darius I don't get how limiting link sharing is anything special. What about a social media network that allows one gif per day? One smiley? One hashtag? What's the point? Why not make people share one original creation per day? That would make it interesting.
9y, 15w 2 replies
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Martijn I can see the appeal of a single link per day. Not only will people have to think about what the best thing is to link to, instead of just linking 20 things, it also allows the others on the network to read everything. "What great article would you like to share with your 20 followers today?" Makes sense to me.
9y, 15w reply
🏒 Lucian Marin There is and I was thinking making something similar. But it will be a boring service for people who take 5 selfies per day at least. One in the morning, one at work, one with coworkers at lunch, one at dinner with their life partner, one in bed before sleep... Flickr and Instagram already serve them well.
9y, 15w reply