Bruce Webster A (hopefully) quick user interface question. I was expecting to be able to click on the red elipses at the end of longish post to get to the full text. That doesn't appear to work - in fact I can't seem to find the extended version anywhere. ???
10y, 9w 4 replies
Bruce Webster OK... I guess. It works but that seems fairly non-intuitive (just one guy's opinion). I don't want to reply (yet). I just want to read the rest of the post. Clicking the ellipses seems more straightforward imho.
10y, 9w 3 replies
💬 Subreply After you get used to click reply, you won't want to click the ellipses.
10y, 9w 1 reply
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Bas I must say I do understand the confusion for first time users, especially because the ellipses are in a different colour. The convention is that contrasting text colour = link. Of course ppl will learn the pattern, but it isn't intuitive.
10y, 9w reply