💬 Subreply "Sublevel is a new social network worth checking out." Dave Winer, inventor of RSS
D2 can we help you with the developement?
10y, 2d 7 replies
💬 Subreply Why? What's missing?
10y, 2d 6 replies
D2 Nothing for now, is sublevel finished? I thought you're going to work on the project to add more features in the future?
10y, 2d 5 replies
💬 Subreply Sublevel is feature complete. But feedback is always welcomed.
10y, 2d 4 replies
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John Olinda Agreed with on that, it would be great to be able to "like" a post without drilling down to the post and replies.
10y, 2d 2 replies
💬 Subreply You still have to see the full entry in order to like it.
10y, 1d 1 reply
D2 okay.. I just realized there is no way to like a post without opening the post per "reply", right?
10y, 2d reply