Simon Janes Seriously, is there any goodness in LinkedIn anymore or is it still a wretched hive of scum and villainy?
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Akiva Used to be all right but now it's fairly worthless.
9y, 48w reply
Dave Walk It's useful for sales people, don't see many other uses. Although I know a guy that actually found his job through a Linkedin recruiter so it is possible!
9y, 48w 1 reply
Simon Janes Recruiters are kind of strange beasts, a very strange tension between trying to fill positions and match the correct people. I remember being head hunted during the run-up to Y2K by people hoping I had COBOL experience. Nope.
9y, 48w reply
Bruce Webster Less and less every day. And I just reported a bug to them where iPad app shows bogus new-connections activity. Apparently a known problem that they can't seem to fix... lame. Signal/noise ratio continuing to drop.
9y, 48w reply
Jesper Bylund Definitely a wretched hive of scum. But much like FB, you have to have a page there for HR people to find you.
9y, 48w 3 replies
Simon Janes I think more and more, you just need a github account to show what you can do and a sublevel account to show how you interact.
9y, 48w 2 replies
🙄 Doug Belshaw I deleted my account a couple of months the ago. Just couldn't take it any more:
9y, 48w 2 replies
Simon Janes Oh yes, I blocked the whole endorsements idiocy out of my mind. Shudder. Can't go back.
9y, 48w 1 reply
🏒 Lucian Marin It might be the other way around. I just read about office romance on LinkedIn.
9y, 48w reply