Burensasub Hi. Been hearing a lot about Ello, but there are a lot of complaints about its user interface. Saw a link to Sublevel in an article comment, so I decided to check it out. It seems to be somewhat similar to Ello in that it's trying to be minimal, but Sublevel acutally seems to have a nicer looking interface. I'll try this out and see how it goes...
Bas Same here. SL was (and still is) completely new to me, yet to hear from Ello.
9y, 50w 4 replies
Burensasub I got an email from Ello 1-2 days ago basically saying, "Thank you for holding. Your invitation request is very important to us. Please stay on the line for the next available invitation."
9y, 50w 3 replies
Bas I got that email too now. We'll see. I will only enter out of curiousity, like on Sublevel (and all other networks). In fact, the only one I ever left was Orkut. Cause everyone was speaking Portuguese at one point.
9y, 49w 1 reply
Burensasub Yes, it will be interesting to compare the two (Ello and Sublevel)...
9y, 49w reply
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